The instructions were to paint an oil painting in impressionist style. Later, the instructions changed, to, "use your favourite Impressionist painter as inspiration", however by then, I had already done my painting and had no opportunities to do another one within the timeframe given.

Once again, it proves difficult to transfer the painting from painting, to photo, to blog. The first photo shows a somewhat less edited version, whereas the second is a wee bit more true to colour, I'd say.

This was my very first time with oil colours, and I must say it was a very very interesting, somewhat frightening and rather exhilarating experience. With the audiobook "Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban" in my ears (read by Jim Dale), I set to work, in an old shirt, with rags everywhere and a lot of misgivings. It did prove to be a new and exciting experience, though, and I look forward to trying it again. It is possible to go back and mess with colours that would, with acrylics and watercolours, have tried long, long ago, and blending is a lot easier, as is modifying small details. One can even remove a spot of paint completely!
Whether the painting really is impressionist, I'm a bit hesitant to say. I will do over once I get a better grasp of that particular style.

Here then, we have the mostly-dry version! In a different light, but still. I say "almost" because, as I noticed, the white wasn't dry yet. After a week and a half. I do like oils, and this new thing about them NOT drying is... an opportunity, I look forward to exploring.
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