The latest school assignment presented quite a challenge. Apart from the studying, we were supposed to paint in Fauvist style. Reading about the movement itself, it is hard to find much about how the artists painted, other than that they wanted to experiment with colours. I did my best to study different paintings, and artists, but at first, the only common denomination seemed to be strong colours, often slightly skewed, or a lot of orange and yellow and red. Eventually I figured I had to try and paint anyway. With the latter half of Jim Dale's reading of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", I set about looking at a great number of paintings, and then to paint. I decided on the fairly, for me, unusual, and also interesting, subject of a prancing horse.
I began by sketching, with blue-black acrylics, the horse, and then simply set about painting. It was done on the paper block I purchased before, and with rounded brushes, mostly; also some was done with the feather brush I am now eagerly trying out at every opportunity, and the two small round brushes I use. It took me but one sitting to paint it, with a few pauses.
Perhaps I should have been using clearer paints, but after a few layers, and a lot of concentration and some more looking at other paintings, I think I figured out most of it. Exaggerated colours and clearly delineated areas seemed to do the trick, and at a distance it really looks good. So despite its shortcomings, I feel I managed to do the assignment mostly justice.
I feel proud that at least I, myself, can see my skills improving! I look forward to the next challenge.